Category Archives: thankful

When your self confidence hits rock bottom and self nurture

I’ve had a few knock backs recently and am surprised how easy it is to slip down into self doubt. I was going along well, involved in some workshops for job clubs that I’m really excited about then BAM!

It can feel like it just came out of the blue. And then if I think a little and look back I can usually see a familiar pattern. Over committing, eating badly, not enough sleep and then something relatively minor can have a devastating effect.

Do you relate to this? Continue reading

Being thankful

Giving thanks right now for my orange bedroom curtains, made by my dear mother from shalwar kameez fabric from Birmingham’s Stratford Road. Thankful for fresh coffee and cake. And thankful for two texts from dear friends suggesting meeting up.

Thankful for my life right now. Thankful in the moment, in the present.

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endings Rosalyn clare coach

A coaching relationship has come to an end. Well, two actually. My own life coach and one of my life coaching clients.

My coach and I took time to acknowledge one another’s strengths and good qualities. And acknowledge the changes over the time we have worked together. It was a life affirming conversation.

There’s a mixture of sadness and joy. That beautiful word ‘bittersweet’. Continue reading

Let’s celebrate!

On Friday night, a friend and I shared a bottle of champagne (Veuve Clicquot – my favourite) and a picnic from Marks and Spencer and Aldi (also favourites). champagne cork of celebration We were celebrating the fact that she was about to book a very exciting holiday and some good things that have happened in my business life. The bottle of champagne had been languishing at the bottom of my wine rack for far too long, waiting for a moment large enough to celebrate. When I discovered this friend was also a fan of this particular champagne we decided that we would make a plan to drink it whatever our circumstances, but as it turned out, we both had great things happen. Is that coincidental? Continue reading