Tag Archives: Lent

Lent: a time to start a new habit

I have heard it takes 21 days to start a new habit. Lent is 40 days (excluding Sundays for some reason) and an ideal time to reflect on your life and make changes.

Traditional Lent decisions are to give up chocolate or alcohol. A penance.

Last year I decided to add something to my life and each day I was consciously thankful for three things. Small things like a midmorning real coffee, big things like a great friendship. Continue reading

Start of Lent – thankfulness!

life coaching thankful career
Yesterday saw the start of Lent, the 40 day countdown to Easter. Traditionally, it’s a time of penance and sacrifice. However, it’s also enough time to get a new habit embedded strongly in your life.

Last year, I decided to stop watching television for Lent. It was a time of relaxing with books and time telephoning friends instead of TV.

This year, I decided to add something. Thankfulness. Continue reading