Tag Archives: self esteem

I reject the need to please

I reject the need.. to be liked, loved, respected, trusted, admired

My client wrote this beautiful piece after an epiphany and has kindly agreed I can share it with you.

I reject.

I reject the pressure to succeed in any conventional way,
I reject the arrogance that says I must stand out from the crowd,
I reject the doctrine that I must wear make up, dress well, stay young, slim and beautiful.
I reject the assertion that I should be happy.
I reject Facebook.
I reject my own pressures to be a good worker, student, friend, lover, daughter, hostess, person. Continue reading

self compassion

Self compassion, the new self confidence?

‘Do you treat yourself as well as you treat your friends and family?

That simple question is the basis for a burgeoning new area of psychological research called self-compassion — how kindly people view themselves. People who find it easy to be supportive and understanding to others, it turns out, often score surprisingly low on self-compassion tests, berating themselves for perceived failures like being overweight or not exercising.’

This is the beginning of a New York Times article on self compassion. Continue reading

Facing fears – moving beyond your comfort zones

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Self confidence – what are the keys to self confidence? Those that have subscribed to my newsletter will have received two articles on the keys to self confidence.

To recap:

Firstly, knowing who you are, what are your strengths, what matters to you and what you want in life. Part of this is setting boundaries and being able and willing to say “no”.

Secondly, knowing where you are heading and setting goals in order to get there.

Facing fears is a necessary part of setting boundaries and also moving forward towards your goals. I’ve noticed a correlation in my willingness to move beyond my comfort zones and the speed at which I move forward.

I fear heights – so recently went abseiling. Continue reading

Why self confidence?

self confidenceSo why self confidence?

I’ve been carrying out interviews of career women this year. I’ve asked them about the challenges they face. I’ll tell you more about the results in a future issue.

It affects us all

The theme of self confidence came up time and time again. Worded as the ability to talk about your success in the same way as your male colleagues. Or believing in your abilities. Or fear of failure holding you back. Some women feel like impostors who risk being found out.

Continue reading

Wanting to talk – and putting it off

I have been wanting to write in my newsletter and it has been near the top of my to-do list for longer than I care to admit. I’ve been wanting to talk to you about my relaunch as ‘Self Confidence for Women’ which you will have noticed.

Putting things off

So why the procrastination?

Self confidenceI’m learning not to beat myself up at times like these. There’s usually a reason for procrastination, often a good one. I’ve spent a bit of time sitting with this and being curious. (Something I’d recommend for something you are putting off). Continue reading