Tag Archives: women

Too scared to move forward with career change

Today I worked with a client who was scared. She was scared to admit what she wanted to do next with her life.

She and I had been working through the Firework career coaching process I use. She was comfortable at the early stages, identifying strengths, thinking about interests and skills. And then, as we were narrowing down ideas, designing career spectrums, she got stuck. This beautiful, creative woman was unable to think, her mind went blank. She was so scared of taking the next step her mind had seized up.

It made sense. It was a big moment. We used a tool for lifting fear that I have been sharing with clients, a simple breathing tool that is gentle yet effective. This released her to think creatively again.

Within 10 minutes she said “This is what I want to do”  Continue reading

I’m speaking at Greenbelt

I’m speaking at this year’s Greenbelt Festival.

If you’re at Greenbelt, come and join my Self Confidence for women workshop.

See you there!

UPDATE: I spoke at Greenbelt and 137 women explored self confidence and discussed how to say “No”. I’m in touch with a number of them and had some writeups. It was wonderful to discuss the difference between working out what others expect of us (particularly bosses and adult children) and what we actually want to give. What are our boundaries?

Biggest challenge to professional women is self confidence

WOMEN jumpingBiggest challenge to professional women is self confidence, feeling an impostor in their role – result of my interviews

I interviewed about 30 women about the challenges they face in their work in corporate roles and also in their personal lives. Continue reading

Why self confidence?

self confidenceSo why self confidence?

I’ve been carrying out interviews of career women this year. I’ve asked them about the challenges they face. I’ll tell you more about the results in a future issue.

It affects us all

The theme of self confidence came up time and time again. Worded as the ability to talk about your success in the same way as your male colleagues. Or believing in your abilities. Or fear of failure holding you back. Some women feel like impostors who risk being found out.

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Wanting to talk – and putting it off

I have been wanting to write in my newsletter and it has been near the top of my to-do list for longer than I care to admit. I’ve been wanting to talk to you about my relaunch as ‘Self Confidence for Women’ which you will have noticed.

Putting things off

So why the procrastination?

Self confidenceI’m learning not to beat myself up at times like these. There’s usually a reason for procrastination, often a good one. I’ve spent a bit of time sitting with this and being curious. (Something I’d recommend for something you are putting off). Continue reading